Float Tin Bath and Equipment

In addition to float tin bath itself, JGE designs and manufactures following bath equipment:

1. Tweel Mechanism

9. Cooler ,Pusher....

2. Spout system

10. Linear Motor System

3. Bath Casing

11. Side-by Purifier of Atmosphere

4. Roof Casing

12. Hot End Vent of Atmosphere

5. Upper and Lower Steel Framework

13. Automatic Control of tweel with Digital Image Analysis

6. Side Seal

14. Pyro-coater for Reflective Coating

7. Exit Lip

15. De-dross with Linear Motor

8. Top Roller

16. Bath Roof Assembly
17. Bottom Block Assembly







Juneng Glass Engineers, Inc.

Add: Orient Garden, Suite 2-706, Hangzhou 310014, China

Tel: +86-571-8530 4343, 8530 0902, Fax: +86-571-8530 4359