Strategic Materials Inc. announces Chief Financial Officer

Strategic Materials, Inc., North America’s largest glass recycler, announced the appointment of Mike Hajost as Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer for the company, leading the finance and information technology business functions. 

Hajost is the former Senior Vice President and Chief Financial Officer of Accuride Corporation, a leader in developing wheel-end components for the heavy truck and trailer industry. Mr. Hajost played a key role in the successful transition to take Accuride Corporation private and executed two significant acquisitions, significantly expanding the size and geographic scope of the company.

“Mike is a great addition to our senior leadership team.  I have every confidence that Mike’s corporate leadership experience will be a catalyst in achieving our strategic objectives,” said Strategic Materials President and Chief Executive Officer Denis Suggs. “We welcome Mike to our team and look forward to his many contributions as we continue to execute on our growth strategy.”

Mr. Hajost is a graduate of the United States Military Academy – West Point and Booth Graduate School of Business at the University of Chicago with a Bachelor of Engineering and Master of Business Administration respectively. 
Strategic Materials, Inc. has become the industry leader in recovering and processing post-consumer and post-industrial glass in end markets such as container glass, fiberglass insulation, and specialty glass applications. Recycled glass, or cullet, results in energy savings and a reduction in carbon emission by up to thirty percent when utilized in container glass and fiberglass insulation production.

About Strategic Materials
With over a 100-year history, Strategic Materials is North America’s largest and most comprehensive glass recycler, with nearly 50 locations in the United States and Canada.  The company focus has been and continues to be on creating value for customers through innovation and continuous improvement.  The company is a technology partner to cleaner, more efficient glass production, providing customers and suppliers with economical and environmentally viable solutions for reuse of waste streams including glass and plastic. Strategic Materials is held by private equity firm, Littlejohn & CO, LLC, Greenwich, Connecticut.

04.02.2019, Strategic Materials Inc.

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