AGC earns Cradle to Cradle CertifiedTM Silver for fire-resistant glass products Pyrobel and Pyrobelite

AGC Glass Europe began its journey towards Cradle to Cradle certification in 20101. Today, AGC confirms its commitment to continuously enhancing the environmental performance of its products by obtaining Cradle to Cradle CertifiedTM  Silver for its fire-resistant glass products Pyrobel and Pyrobelite2 .

By obtaining the Cradle to Cradle Silver certification for fire-resistant glass products, AGC continues to meet its goal of making sustainable glass products. The overall certification level for the Pyrobel and Pyrobelite ranges is Silver, reaching Gold in four of the five categories: Material Reutilisation, Water Stewardship, Renewable Energy & Carbon Management and Social Fairness.

Today, AGC Glass Europe offers the world’s most comprehensive portfolio of Cradle to Cradle Certified glass products at Bronze, Silver and Gold level3 . 

European leader in fire-resistant glass
With a full range of fire-resistant glass products and dedicated technical support, AGC is playing an active role in fire protection for people and buildings. Pyrobel(ite) is a range of laminated safety glass delivering effective fire protection for 30 to 180 minutes.
These products comply with all applicable fire safety requirements, standards and guidelines. Pyrobel complies with European classifications E (Integrity), EW (Radiation Control) and EI (Integrity and Insulation)4. 

By opting for Pyrobel or Pyrobelite Cradle to Cradle CertifiedTM Silver glazings, architects and specifiers can guarantee the sustainability of their projects and earn higher ratings in environmental certification programmes for buildings, such as LEED.

28.05.2019, AGC Glass Europe

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