Community of Glass Associations meets in Venice

The 3rd International Convention of Glass Associations took place in Venice, Italy recently.

A total of 17 associations and 14 technical journals representing 17 countries attended the two-day event, onJuly 10-11, 2019, which was organised with the support of the Italian Trade Agency (ITA) and Vitrum. Presentations by the guest associations occupied much of the two-day programme. 

There were four associations present for the first time – Achival (Chile), Bouwend Nederland, vakgroep Glas - GBO (the Netherlands), Chinese Ceramic Society (China) and Glass Society (UK) – which introduced their organisations to the other members during the first part of the session.

All the remaining associations then took turns explaining activities developed during the second half of 2018 and the first few months of 2019, with a focus on seminars, technical meetings, lobbying and other areas of common interest that could potentially be emulated.

The second work day took an in-depth look at some of the topics already introduced on the previous day. Various proposals were made for projects that require the support of the greatest number of members possible. Dino Zandonella Necca, President of Vitrum and Chairman of the work sessions stated:  “The associations can compare notes in a private setting where exchange is encouraged and growth is collective. 

"The individual case-studies are a priceless asset in terms of ideas and potential for development– from manufacturing to historical, cultural and artistic research – and benefit all the delegations from the world of glass. "The next meeting is scheduled to take place during Vitrum 2019,” continued Mr Zandonella Necca, “an exhibition that has become a veritable ‘Home of the Associations’, thanks in part to the outstanding partnership with ITA (Italian Trade Agency). 

“I like to think that the sharing of ideas and development of the projects discussed will continue over the months between now and Vitrum, thanks to the digital platforms, website and social media at the Community’s disposal. “The sense of community among those in attendance continues to strengthen and this is an excellent sign that the projects will bear fruit.

"The shared vision of growth and development is palpable, as is the commitment of everyone involved, and I have no doubt that the results will soon be tangible as well.”

08.08.2019, Convention of Glass Associations

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