New Top Management at Docter Optics

The Supervisory Board and the management of the Docter Optics Group are setting the course for the future. Effective March 1, 2021, Martin Enenkel (52) will be appointed Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of the Group.

He succeeds Hans-Jürgen Brandt in this position, who will still accompany the induction process for a limited time to ensure a smooth change at the top before retiring.

After his apprenticeship as an electrician and the completion of his engineering studies in optoelectronics at Aalen University of Applied Sciences in 1996, Martin Enenkel consistently engaged himself in well-known German industrial companies in optoelectronics, sensor technology and lighting technology.

This included almost 20 years of work for Phillips Technology GmbH and vosla GmbH, where he held various strategic and management positions in R&D, product and innovation management as well as marketing and sales. A 3-year stay as Product Marketing Manager NAFTA in the USA in the automotive city Detroit, Michigan was also part of his professional career.

Most recently, Mr. Enenkel contributed his in-depth expertise and acquired skills as VP & Head of Strategic Business Unit Industrial Solution at Jenoptik AG (Optical Systems GmbH). His responsibilities there included industrial automation, safety & security and automotive. He thus brings with him industry and management experience that is a perfect fit for Docter Optics. "As a trained optoelectronics engineer, I firmly believe in a secure future and in the further development of optics in strategic focus markets, even outside Docter Optics' current core business. With Docter Optics' expertise, exceptional customer reputation and with the help of the qualified team, I would like to continue to lead the company to profitable growth," said Martin Enenkel.

09.03.2021, DocterOptics

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