CMS Ypsos – CNC Vertical machine

Ypsos is the newest vertical machining centre developed by CMS, ideal to process float and laminated glass sheets, entirely designed thanks to many decades of experience in the glass industry.

This project was conceived to reach the best reliability ever in the vertical CNC category. The new software has been designed to make the user interface more efficient and intuitive than ever. Based on the configuration selected, Ypsos can carry out seaming, polished and industrial grinding, milling and coaxial drilling operations.

This machine provides absolute accuracy and quality, accompanied by the classic benefits in terms of productivity and versatility given by the vertical machining process. Available in 3 standard sizes, it allows the processing of small and large-sized parts up to 6,000 by 3,300 millimetres. (additional maximum processable sizes are available upon request). Ypsos can be used as a stand-alone machine, in line with a drilling-milling machine or inside an insulating line.


16.03.2022, CMS Ypsos

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