IYoG 2022_ 80 years of AIGMF: Events and Publications

Dear friends of glass,


2022 was the special year for the entire glass fraternity as together we celebrated the UN declared International Year of Glass.


AIGMF thankfully acknowledges the kind support of International Commission on Glass, IYoG Council Members, Education Dept. of GNCTD, Glass Worldwide magazine, Society of Glass Technology, Delhi Technological University, Central Glass and Ceramic Research Institute, glass manufacturers/suppliers, Govt. departments, thousands of school and college students for their active participation and other stakeholders; as we were able to deliver more than 30 IYoG events from mid-2021 till Dec 2022. Brief reports along with select photos/presentations are available under main sections-: Past Events, Kanch (Glass), Glass News, Glass Worldwide/AIGMF Library of Indian Articles and Welcome to the Glass Age, at www.aigmf.com  


Details of our pilot projects ‘Green as Glass’, ‘Glass in our Lives’ and ‘Glass Protects’ are available on the Home page and under past events which got expanded in other add-on events involving Youth and people from all walks of life.


In our quarterly publication, Kanch (Glass), special coverage from the book 'Welcome to the Glass Age' of extremely well-written below 13 chapters were reproduced in 4-parts from Jan-Dec 2022:

- Creating a United Nations International Year of Glass

- Glass History and the Arrival of the Glass Age

- Glasses for Healthcare

- Affordable and Clean Energy Provided by Glass

- Glass in Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) and Photonics

- Reflections on Reflection: Glass in Architecture

- Sustainable Glass Production with Carbon Reduction

- Sustainable Glass in a Circular Economy

- Social, Cultural and Environmental Sustainability within the International Art Glass Movement

- Museums and Society

- Education! Education! Education!

- Gender Equality and Diversity in the Glass World

- Glass beyond Glass


Logos of IYoG, Welcome to the Glass Age appeared on the front covers of Glass News and Kanch (Glass) as well as inside the journals alongside many articles. Print copies were sent to the select stakeholders worldwide with soft versions available on AIGMF’s website. The Jan-March 2023 issues are getting ready for release in April for which we invite articles and news items.   


The participation of Youth in large numbers was quite encouraging, which has given birth to some new ideas covering Environmental and Health issues, all aimed for the betterment of society and industry at large. Our 2022 publications of July-Sept and Oct-Dec carry stories on these special projects, which were held in close association with schools, colleges, ICG, Society of Glass Technology (UK) and Glass Worldwide (UK).


Mr. Dave Fordham of Glass Worldwide acted as the moderator/Jury Member for annual Glass Awards/Youth outreach programs/competitions, special editor for Kanch (Glass); in addition to exclusive Media partner for all events. Apart from sharing joint stalls at glasstec GERMANY and glasspex in INDIA for many years now and for AIGMF's biennale international conference, we use GW’s expertise for all major conferences i.e., international speakers, exclusive articles from within India and world over- their release both pre and post such events. Later reproduction in Kanch (Glass) and its coverage via GW's e-dissemination and on AIGMF's website. In a very bold move and in the year 2021, Glass Worldwide became the 1st overseas company to be accorded as Honorary Members of the AIGMF. Our partnership with Glass Worldwide has proved quite worthy even for the member companies to reach the foreign markets as preferred international journal in association with Kanch (Glass).   


2023 is again a special year for AIGMF as March 25th would unveil its 1st event of 80th year celebrations with many more events planned during the year and in 2024. We have invited Glass Futures (UK) to present the glass Industry’s decarbonization plan at Jaipur on March 25. Glasspex 2023 will be staged after a gap of 4 years where AIGMF will be hosting its 14th International conference on sustainability. Plans are set to have more events, conferences in close association with educational institutions and Glass Associations worldwide.


Our heartfelt  thanks go to the official main partner AGI Glaspac, La Opala RG Ltd., Cello Inds. Pvt. Ltd., Shri Sitaram Glass Works, Kwality Glass Works, Adarsh Kanch Udyog Pvt. Ltd., HNG for supplying various glass articles for free distribution to students/Members/Govt./select stakeholders/at glasstec, etc. In addition to corpus funds contributed by 90 AIGMF Member companies, special contributions were received from Schott Glass (India) Pvt. Ltd. and Architectural Glass Panel (Asahi India Glass Ltd., Gold Plus Glass Industry Ltd., Gujarat Guardian Ltd. and Sisecam Flat Glass (I) Pvt. Ltd.) helping us deliver some interesting projects for the promotion of Glass covering all segments. 


We invite one and all to be associated with our events., which can be in the form of international speakers, audience/participants (even virtual), knowledge/event partners, expert/jury members, sponsors, technical articles/papers, research/studies, advertisements, etc., AND, especially your ideas to incite collaborations for making Glass more visible in our daily lives.


We look forward to your continued support and to work in new areas, as possible.

15.03.2023, AIGMF 2022 was the special year for the entire glass fraternity as together we celebrated the UN declared International Year of Glass. AIGMF thankfully acknowledges the kind support of International Commission on Glass, IY

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