Meyer Burger presents new durable and toxin-free glass-glass products at Intersolar Europe

Complete portfolio of Meyer Burger high-performance modules contains no lead and is certified PFAS-free

New frame corners enable self-cleaning effect

Meyer Burger Tile and Meyer Burger Slate solar roof tile solutions available in the second half of 2023

Outlook for future high-performance heterojunction solar cells with IBC and perovskite technology

Company underscores its sustainability strategy with novel circular design in trade show booth concept

Premiere on the occasion of the company's 70th anniversary: book tells the company's story


Meyer Burger Technology AG is presenting itself this year at Intersolar Europe from June 14 to 16 in Munich as a supplier of sustainably produced and particularly durable solar products "Made in Germany" with especially high yields per square meter. In addition to the currently available area-wide inventory portfolio of high-performance solar modules, the trade fair booth will also feature the further developed Meyer Burger Tile and Meyer Burger Slate solar roof tiles, as well as the new IBC and perovskite solar cell technologies.


In focus: new toxin-free glass-glass product portfolio

The highlight of the trade fair presentation will be the new Meyer Burger glass-glass product portfolio, which will be available on the market in 2024 under the name of Meyer Burger Panel+. The new "Made in Germany" and "Made in USA" modules will be offered in three variants - Black, White and Clear - and feature high performance, improved durability and groundbreaking technology. With optimized glass on the front and back, Meyer Burger combines the advantages of heterojunction cell technology with the durability and quality of glass-glass module technology while maintaining high module performance, appealing aesthetics and consistent light weight.

Starting at the fourth quarter of 2023, all Meyer Burger solar modules will be equipped with patented Smart Corners. These innovative frame corners enable self-cleaning of the modules and thus prevent performance losses due to dirt build-up at the module edges. The current module portfolio is available in Europe, the USA and Australia in the product variants Meyer Burger Black, Meyer Burger White and Meyer Burger Glass from more than 50 distributors worldwide and more than 1000 installers registered with Meyer Burger.


Insight: module test center meets high requirements

In addition to higher yields per area and market-leading durability, Meyer Burger products are characterized as being environmentally safe and eco-friendly. They contain neither lead nor substances of the PFAS group, which are classified as environmentally harmful and difficult to degrade and whose ban is currently being discussed in the EU. When it comes to quality, Meyer Burger will for the first time at its trade fair booth provide insight into its own module test center and demonstrate the processes which are based on the IEC or UL standard and significantly exceed their requirements.

All the necessary certifications, such as the hail or fire test, have also been obtained for the solar roof tiles in the Meyer Burger Tile and Meyer Burger Slate variants. From the second half of the year, they are to be mass produced "Made in EU" and will be available on the market from the fourth quarter of 2023. With an output of 17 watt peak, Meyer Burger's solar roof tiles offer a high-performance alternative to solar modules, for example on listed houses or interrupted roof surfaces.


Outlook: back-contact cells and perovskite tandem solar cells

All Meyer Burger products contain heterojunction solar cells from the company’s own production "made in Germany". A technology outlook at the trade fair shows how the development in this area will continue. On display will be the IBC and perovskite tandem solar cells developed by Meyer Burger and its research partners. Modules with the IBC back-contact cell will be available in large-scale production from 2025.

The fact that sustainability is crucial to all of Meyer Burger's business areas is highlighted this year by the trade fair booth itself with a Tiny House as its central element. "The goal of the booth concept was to have the lowest possible impact on people, nature and the environment," said Katja Tavernaro, Chief Sustainability Officer at Meyer Burger. "We took a circular design approach that keeps the ecological footprint as small as possible." The materials and superstructures used for the exhibition stand are reused, and resource use and waste generation have been decisively reduced compared to conventional exhibition booth concepts. The savings achieved by dispensing with carpeting and floor construction alone are equivalent to 10.5 tons of CO2 , or 10 flights from Frankfurt to Lisbon, or almost the average annual emissions of a person living in Germany (11.3 tons).


Review: Anniversary book delves into 70 years of Meyer Burger

In addition to its products, the company is also presenting its own history this year: For this year's 70th anniversary, Meyer Burger is publishing an anniversary book. Under the title "With the right energy, anything is possible", author Uli Hauser has written down his research on the milestones of the company's history on behalf of the company. The result is gripping stories about former and current Meyer Burger employees, which also represent a piece of industrial history in Switzerland, Saxony and Solar Valley. This story will also be told interactively at the exhibition booth. The book premiere will take place on the first day of the trade fair.

14.06.2023, Meyer Burger

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