New float now operational in Luxembourg

The new, highly efficient float glass production facility at the Guardian Glass plant in Bascharage is now in operation following a successful cold tank repair. The new furnace is an important milestone for Guardian. Energy efficiency has been improved by around 25% and emissions reduced.

This new float system heralds an exciting era for the plant in Luxembourg, as it is Guardian Glass' most energy-efficient furnace. The float manufacturer has invested in state-of-the-art technologies that make the new furnace Guardian's most efficient worldwide. Energy efficiency has been improved by around 25% and CO2 and NOx emissions have been reduced, according to the company's management.

The furnace also offers additional capacity for the production of Guardian ExtraClear float glass and Guardian UltraClear low-iron float glass. In addition, a new laminated glass line will be installed at the plant in Bascharage.

What the Guardian managers say

Guus Boekhoudt, Executive Vice President of Guardian Glass: "We have invested in the latest melting technology to provide our customers with advanced glass products while using fewer resources." And Boekhoudt continues: "Consolidating all these facilities in one location in Luxembourg, close to many of our key customers, will improve our service offering."

Bernard Gheysen, Plant Manager of Guardian Glass Bascharage, adds: "I am very proud of the team here. Everyone has gone the extra mile on this project. The Luxembourg authorities have been very supportive and we are excited about the new opportunities this opens up. "

A look into the future of Guardian Glass

The vision at Guardian Glass is to improve people's lives by providing valuable glass products and services in a responsible way, using fewer resources, minimising waste and improving its manufacturing processes and output through constant innovation. According to the company management, this benefits customers, employees, investors, communities and society as a whole.

10.01.2024, Guardian Glass

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