We are excited to announce that ACMOS is participating ASEAN GLASS CONFERENCE for the first time.

We are excited to announce that ACMOS is participating ASEAN GLASS CONFERENCE for the first time. This event will provide valuable insights into challenges and solutions Container Glass Industry is facing at the moment. We are proud to be part of that community.

Marina Littau, M. Sc. and Carlos Martins will take the opportunity to present our latest innovation that is set to transform container glass forming process.

By using ACMOS 43-9014 the swabbing cycle can be extended at least to 2 times. This is not only 1-2 hours after the job change, but during the entire production time.

Extended lubrication cycles lead to a reduction in the use of lubricants by at least 50%. Not only that, at the same time significant cost savings can be achieved by a reduced reject rate. If two times less lubrication is used, two times fewer drops are rejected while lubrication, and fewer bottles are rejected after it due to contamination. This drastic reduction in the reject rate has a direct positive impact on total costs and so on production efficiency.

In addition, extending the swabbing cycles and a lower consumption of lubricants during the production by using an ACMOS Mould Coatings minimise the carbon footprint of glass production recognisably.

We invite you to learn more about ACMOS 43-9014 and how it can benefit your proces in our live presentation on 25th of September, 2024 at 3.15 p.m.

We look forward to seeing you there!

05.09.2024, ACMOS

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