

协会、设施 Southern Illinois University
教育类型 University
科目名称 Bachelor / Master of Fine Arts, with an emphasis in glass
程度 Master


地址 School of Art and Design
Southern Illinois University
Carbondale, IL 62901-4301
Phone: 001 618 453-2526 or 453-4315,
FAX: 001 618 453-7710
Email glass@siu.edu
联系方式 Bill H.Boysen, Professor, Head of Glass Studies


The glass program in the School of Art & Design is directed toward developing the individual student's artistic identity. The acquisition of aesthetic values, technical skills, and a demonstrated commitment of professional artistic expression are expected.

The first undergraduate semester in glass, AD214, (for students without prior glass experience), focuses the student's attention on the processes associated with the design and fabrication of leaded glass window panels. In addition to gaining a thorough understanding of the role that art and design fundamentals play in the formal language of creative expression, the class:
1. places an emphasis upon developing a serious professional work ethic,
2. helps to establish a working vocabulary of glass terminology useful in subsequent glass program offerings, and
3. creates a dynamic studio environment that encourages each student to demonstrate their personal artistic talent and professional potential.

Outstanding first semester students are encouraged to pursue further study in glass, at the Junior and Senior levels.

The second undergraduate semester in glass, AD314 A & B, explores the techniques and processes essential to producing "kiln-formed" glass. In this class the student discovers how the controlled application of heat in an enclosed environment can be used to create two and three dimensional forms using fuse-compatible glasses of various hues and textures.

The third undergraduate semester in glass, AD414 A, covers basic, introductory, techniques associated with "off-hand" glass blowing. Students gain valuable experience working one-on-one with the hot shop instructor learning proper methods of gathering, marvering, blocking, etc. A specified number of simple shapes are assigned and beginning hot shop students are encouraged to produce a body of work by semester's end that demonstrates the best of their new gained technical skills.

Subsequent undergraduate semesters in AD414 B are considered the intermediate and advanced level and cover: practical concepts concerning studio design, maintenance, and operation; understanding the nature of refractory and insulation materials and their application; the designing and hands-on building of studio related equipment when required; and the continued and expanded development of a personal form statement in the medium. Outstanding performance at the advanced level can lead to independent study on research proposals in glass under instructional supervision.

The graduate program in glass, AD514, emphasizes a diversity in student interests, backgrounds, professional goals, and aesthetic attitudes. This diversity leads to a wide range of work, both sculptural and functional, contemporary or traditional, all with emphasis on personal expression.

Career goals that are addressed in the graduate program range from the training for an academic career to those who wish to be self-sustaining independent artists.

Program Highlights: The glass program at Southern Illinois University of Carbondale utilizes three well equipped facilities:
1. A large Flat Glass & Kiln-formed Glass Studio/classroom, with 4 x 8 foot fabrication tables, appropriate hand tools, vertical shaft diamond grinders, zinc came saw, and most recently, four new Paragon kilns with electronic controllers, located on the second level of the Industrial Education wing of Pulliam hall and near the blowing studio.
2. The Hot Shop featuring: two 450 pound crystal melt furnaces, a four-crucible pot furnace, two fiber-lined stainless steel glory holes, two marvers, four front-loading annealers (three short-cycle, one long cycle), three large slumping/casting kilns, pick-up box, garage over pipe warmer, electric kiln and annealer control via two GB4 digital controllers.
3. The Graduate Glass House located in a two-story frame house on the edge of campus, providing four private studio spaces as well as a communal kitchen, bathroom, office with 486 computer, monitor, and laser printer, and a living room/seminar/exhibition/critique area with VCR and 19" monitor.
The basement of the Graduate Glass House provides an up-to-date cold-working facility featuring:
· four reciprolaps, one 20" and three 24" diameter machines
· two floor model vertical belt sanders
· horizontal shaft diamond grinder with flat and radius diamond wheels, plus cones
· three worm-driven diamond cutoff machines, 12", 18", and 20"
· 14" dia. Felker diamond "chop" saw with rolling bed
· 24" diameter vertical felt buffing wheel
· 10" radius buffing wheel
· two flat grinders, 20" and 24"
· 30" diameter temperature controlled slumping kiln
· copper electroplating facility
· heated glue booth for laminating
· bell jar with stage and vacuum pump
· wax melting station, with steam generator wax recovery system and ventilation hood
· drill press with diamond core-drill attachment
· separate mold-making room with dehumidifier
· micro-sandblaster; compressed air routed to several stations
· two hand-lapping stations
· air driven die grinder with diamond tools on shanks
· lamp-working station with "minor burner"
· hot-cold water sink
· work benches, tables, storage, etc.


Master of Fine Arts Graduates have been highly successful in their chosen fields. Recent graduates have established their own private glass studios, others have applied their talents to teaching positions in higher education. Promising Undergraduate Students have completed MFA degrees in other institutions and are actively pursuing their art in various locations nation-wide. In addition, outstanding undergraduate seniors have the opportunity of competing for the Rickert-Ziebold Trust Award, an annual award of $20,000 divided equally between our most promising young artists. This is a cash award intended to further the educational or professional goals of the best of our undergraduate students. Five undergraduate glass students have received recognition for outstanding creative work and have rightfully earned a share of this prestigious award.