Updated worldwide glass market study 2025 available now for flat, container glass and tableware

We have updated our international studies on flat glass, container glass and tableware for 2025.

This unique software provides a global overview about glass producers and technical details. Easy to use and clear tables summarize information and data about glass makers such as: Glass types: flat glass, container glass, tableware, production capacities in regions and countries, number of furnaces, furnace types, year of construction, glass types and sub-types, products, project information, special news and downloads.

Further databases supplying demoscopic data and import and export data complete the market survey. Based on these data, prepare individual country profiles with information about local production capacities, local market sizes and expected demand in the future.

Request your offer via plants.glassglobal.com.

Updated container glass study 2025


Updated float glass study 2025


Further glass studies and reports 2025




地址 PEGASUS Glass
211 Shearson Crescent
N1T1J5 Cambridge
国家 加拿大
电话号码 001 519 620 7991
电子邮箱 Get in contact with PEGASUS Glass
互联网 www.pegasus-glass.com


联系方式 1. Mark Trent
Phone: 519 620 7991


Pegasus Glass is North America's leading specialty glass provider. Both in distribution and manufacturing, for specialty glass needs in the form of glass tubing and glass rod.

Pegasus Industrial Specialties has advanced scientific processes, new designs & enhanced the art of industrial glass blowing. This provides the field with better ideas, new products, competitive pricing and strong customer service. From Design Fabrication to Final Installation we tackle your tough package and monitoring problems, conveyance of your volatile/hazardous, high purity materials and provide you with visual, high temperature solutions.

In addition to our manufactured products, Pegasus® carries a complete line of glassware for your every need. For those in laboratories we have Corning Tubing, Rod and Blanks as well as Bibby products, a complete glass line to suit your every need. We are a stocking distributor for GE Quartz materials and a manufacturer for large process items. Ion-X Colored Borosilicate Tubing Currently available in the following sizes: 25.4 x 4 x 500mm 50 x 5 x 500mm


The company has grown in the industry and has moved to a new facility in Cambridge. We have doubled in physical size and footprint, added more staff, and added more production equipment for cutting and processing since year 2000.

Zero-Waste Project
The intent with the zero-waste project is to end up with absolutely everything that the company produces being recycled or re-used in some way. All scrap or broken glass will be crushed down to powder and re-sold to different companies for various projects. All office papers will be collected and shredded annually and all items used by employees will be recyclable or reusable. We will also be eliminating plastic packing peanuts and will be replacing them with our new cardboard packaging. This 100% recyclable packaging will be made up of our scrap cardboard that has been created by our cardboard shredder.
This project is not only helpful to us by lowering our operational costs, but it helps the environment by reducing the amount of waste we send to landfill. It is also beneficial to our customers by lowering their costs as well.