Company Updates


Sencam Cam Kozmetik Ltd şti.

Our factory, which has the potential to produce 1.000.000 bottles per month since 2007, has completed all it´s works to realize a new project on 01/08/2009, taking into account the increasing demand in 2009. has exceeded it´s monthly production...


Colognola ai Colli (VR), 意大利

Vetrerie Riunite S.p.A.

Technical glass: - components for the luxury cosmetics and perfumery industry. - glass windows for washing machines and tumble dryers Vetrerie Riunite is the principal business of Vetrerie Riunite Group, specialised in the production of...


Kingdom Of Saudi Arabia, 沙特阿拉伯 (Extended Package)

Obeikan Glass Company

FLOAT GLASS - NOVA FLOAT Float Glass is superior in quality when compared to other flat glass and has the unique characteristics of excellent surface finishing, flatness, uniform thickness, high optical quality and bright appearance. The float...


Swansea Waterfront, 英国 (Extended Package)

Rockfield Ethos

Glass Container software - ELFEN GD ELFEN GD is a self contained suite of numerical modelling programs which are designed to provide glassmakers with decision support system tools to aid in the design, production and quality control of glass...


Luoyang, 中国(中华人民共和国)

Luoyang Maile Refractory Co., Ltd

Refractory material for glass melting...


Pleven, 保加利亚

Rubin JSC, Glass Containers production Plant

Rubin produces over 520 million pieces of high-quality glass containers yearly. We offer more than 100 standard product shapes in flint, green and UVAG colour, and have the possibility to make custom products on demand. The product range...


Las Palmas, 西班牙

Cristaleria Cruz Perez S.L.

Tempered glass panes, insulating glass, glass windows The number of possible applications of glass are endless. It can be a mere decorative element, or it can have an added level of functionality. We can cover walls so that they do not require...


Tabriz, 伊朗,伊斯兰共和国


Clear Float Low-e Laminated Mirror Decorative Tinted...


Aurangabad, Maharashtra State, 印度 (Extended Package)

Can-Pack India Private Limited

The Glass Bottles Branch plant has an installed capacity of production of approx 900 MT of glass containers per day. The plant is equipped with world class state of the art plant machinery and equipment from international...


Tehran, 伊朗,伊斯兰共和国

Salimi Glass

Glass bottle Glass Jar Safety Glass Laminate...
