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Western European Container Glass furnace converted into hybrid-flex technology

The old furnace will be converted into modern technology by Summer 2025 and restarted end of the year at cost of approx. 62 million


    Asian Glass Producer to build factory for PV glass with 1600 tpd in 2 furnaces

    The factory is said to cost 270 million Euro. Construction duration to be approx. 18


      Middle East company investigates table ware glass production

      The company wants to expand its business portfolio into small glass manufacture for barware and stemware for hotels and


        Chinese glass company breaks ground on 290 million Euro plant in Egypt

        The project covers a Float glass and Solar glass Factory with total capacity of 1800


          Solar Glass Producer provides Operational Update and Announces Plans for a US Facility

          The Company is now preparing plans to re-purpose a former glass manufacturing facility in the US to produce 4GW per year of solar glass and is advancing discussions with a potential strategic glass manufacturing partner to jointly develop this


            Eastern European company to invest approx 230 million Euro in new float glass factory

            Float Glass factory with approx. 800 tpd (nominal capacity) for architectural residential and commercial applications including coated


              Central Asian company to build cluster for display glass production

              The production will cover some 60,000 sheets of Gen 8.6 A-Si/month in stage I after 2025, with expansion planned to 240,000 sheets/month in stage


                Eastern European float glass producer to invest approx 48 million Euro in cold repair by 2026

                One of the most important events for the company in the next two years will be a large-scale investment project to carry out cold furnace repair at the line from


                  Central European Tableware Glass Maker proceed in electrification of soda-lime furnaces

                  As per the sustainability report of the company they are continuing to focus on reducing energy consumption and improving production


                    Central Asian container glass producer seeks support to change to automatic blowing process

                    The company currently produces in manual resp. semi-automatic process and likes to diversify into container/jars having 250 grams to 5


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