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Central Asian glass container plant plans to invest 178 million USD

The glass container manufacturer plans to implement eight investment projects by 2021 with a total estimated cost of approx 155 Mio Euro for 3 further glass


    East African Container Glass maker invests in furnace repair and capacity expansion

    The existing furnaces of the company will be refurbished including investments made in new machinery and in technology to reduce emission levels and increase energy


      East European glass maker to repair container glass furnace and install new IS-machines

      The EBRD provided a long-term loan of up to EUR 5.6 million to the company. The loan was to be used to finance part of the modernisation of the existing factory, comprising an investment into a new melting furnace and two new production


        New container glass facility in US to be built in 2018/2019

        The company announces a production capacity of 275 tpd oxy-fuel furnace for high end glass


          Update to Project: Middle East glass factory will reopen next year (2018)

          The company plans a $32 million investment to upgrade


            Asian Float glass factory announces expansion plans for 2022

            The glass factory provides details in a statement that expansion is planned within 5 years from 2017 with an investment of approx. 190 Mio


              East European glass maker to repair float furnace 700 tpd and build new furnace 1000 tpd

              The factory has announced plans to repair an existing float furnace with currently 700 tpd production including expansion of capacity. The company also announces construction of a new float glass furnace with 1000 tpd with startup in Q3


                International Glass Fiber producer plans capacity expansion in Central Europe

                The Company has decided to expand its production capacity of glass fiber in its subsidiary by approx 270 tpd with an investment of approx. 53 mio Euro used for the reinforcement of high functional thermoplastic resin for automotive


                  International Glass Fiber producer plans capacity expansion in USA

                  The Company has decided to expand its production capacity of glass fiber in its subsidiary by approx 110 tpd with an investmentopf approx. 22 mio Euro. Fibers are used for the reinforcement of high functional thermoplastic resin for automotive


                    Inquiry for Crystal glass production line in China

                    The customer requires information for a crystal glass production line including batch house for a capacity of approx. 25 tons per


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