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2nd Update to:New container glass plant in Brazil for cosmetics and specialty glass under construction

The company invests approx. 68 Mio Euro in the new location to produce items for cosmetics and fragrances. Production start is now rescheduled for Q4


    Russian glass factory restarts construction and invests up to 200 million euros until 2016

    The current factory will be rebuilt and production will now be continued with upgraded equipment and improved technological processes. Production volume is indicated with 450-500


      European glass maker receives EIB backup for modernization of facilities in Poland

      Two facilities in poland are backed up with total funding of approx. 50 Mio. Euro. First tranche of 16.5 Mio Euro now cleared by EIB for upgrade and expansion of two container glass production


        French Company to expand reach with new production site for Aluminium windows.

        The company wants to strengthen its position in Central Europe. The new location has already been selected close to Lyons and is dedicated to aluminium frame windows for the European market. Production start is envisaged for


          French glass processing factory to expand production until 2016

          The company invests in expansion of cutting line with automatisation and new equipment. In 2015, packaging segment will be upgraded. Total volume of investment comes up to 7 Mio


            Asian Glass Factory to expand in 30 tpd opal glass facility.

            A glass factory currently producting float and tableware is going to expand in opal glass dinnerware with 30 tpd envisaged production. Electric furnace and forehearth, press machine and spinning machine from Europe, further equipment sought:


              US company to expand production capacity by over 25% with new jumbo insulated glass line

              The architectural glass maker has just broke ground for the new production facility. Insulating glass line, edge deletion line, spacer system line and warehouse expansion with production startup by Q1


                Polish glass processing company to expand with investment of 12 Mio Euro

                The company plans to double production halls to 63,000 m² to produce laminated glass, enamelled and printed glass. Schedule for expansion is set to Q3 2014. The facility is said to have 15 insulated glass lines and 6 tempering furnaces after


                  Bulgaria to get Automotive Glass Processing Plant for 8.8 Mio Euro

                  An Investor is planning to use an existing building and to install equipment for automotive and coach windshield manufacture. Glass source for processing is said to be Trakya Cam in Targovishte. Deadline for installation is at short term and Trade


                    US glass processing company expands two locations with startup by Q3/4 2014

                    The company invests 22 mio Euro in a new location and 1,5 Mio Euro in the expansion of an existing facility. Annual production output currently reaches 2 mio


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