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Central Asian company plots glass tableware facility

Tableware glass manufacturer plans to install a manufacturing facility in Rajasthan,


    Update to float glass project in Indonesia with 1200 tpd

    The company has signed a contract with CTIEC to build the float glass factory with envisaged start in


      Water Glass Production in North America to expand with new furnace

      The company has announced plans to build an onsite gas-fired furnace in 2024 designed to reduce greenhouse gas


        Tableware glass project in Central Asia confirmed

        The company plans a factory for middle-class homewares like glassware, sippers,


          400 tpd Container glass melting furnace in South America

          The project owner has commissioned Horn Glass Industries to build a sustainable furnace for its plant currently under construction in


            US investment of approx. 829 million USD for solar components manufacture

            1-million-square-foot assembly plant next to a semiconductor facility, no further details disclosed


              Float glass factory in Europe to move to other production site, merging furnaces

              The company prepares for move to neighbouring site as part of project which will save 15,000 tonnes of CO2e per


                US Float glass factory announces investment of approx. 61 millon Euro in repairs and upgrades

                The factory has asked the city council to approve rebate of sales and use taxes in exchange for making capital improvements and promising to hire economically disadvantaged


                  Investment of 46 million Euro in Australian glass recycling facility confirmed

                  The modernised plant when working at full capacity will be able to recycle Victoria’s recyclable glass, doubling the company´s glass recycling capability in the Australian


                    North American container glass maker to expand with 2nd furnace

                    The company will invest 215 million Euro in capital to build a second furnace with approx. 490 tons/day and an envisaged production start in Q2


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