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Project for Opal Glasswares in Malaysia

Company is evaluating the options to build an opal glass & tableware production line in Malaysia and needs initial


    Production line for solar photovoltaic panels in Ontario/CA planned

    North America´s largest solar energy services provider announced its parent company will begin producing solar photovoltaic panels in Ontario/CA in cooperation with a multi-billion dollar electronic manufacturing service


      National Grid Awards Nearly $100,000 to American Fiber Glass Maker

      National Grid Awards Nearly $100,000 to American Fiber Glass Maker for construction of gas and electric facilities to the new 25,000 square foot expansion of the company´s


        Spanish Glass Factory to invest 40 Mio Euro 2011 for new float glass furnace

        Furnace output approx 570 tpd for float for construction and automotive industry. Production re-start scheduled for April


          Chinese company to step up parmaceutical production production capacity by 40%

          One of the largest glass bottle manufacturers for the pharmaceutical industry in China is planning to expand its production capacity by setting up a new plant for production and coating. Production start scheduled for Q4


            Deutsche Glashütte investiert 20 Mio Euro in Spezialglassystem

            Standort in Deutschland wird um eine Produktionsanlage für Spezialglas erweitert. Das Investitionsvolumen beträgt 20 Mio Euro, die Inbetriebnahme ist for 2012


              European International Airport to be renovated

              Part of the works include replacement of windows and façade framings in order to achieve noise reduction up to 35 dB in the office premises. Public funding by EBRD


                Abandoned glass production plant project to be re-established in Zimbabwe.

                A Chinese firm is set to resume construction of a US$20 million glass manufacturing plant, with production start in Q2 2011 and employment opportunities for 200


                  New production site for 2,8 mio sqm/yr safety and architectural glass in China

                  New production site is to boost output capacity, start of operations is planned for the beginning of 2012. Project is accompanied by modernisation of current production


                    Deutsche Firma investiert 2,5 Millionen Euro in Frauenau

                    Glashütte bekommt neue Schmelzwanne und eine zusätzliche Produktionslinie und schafft 25 neue Arbeitsplätze. Im Zuge der Erneuerung der Schmelzwanne II wird eine dritte Produktionslinie


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