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glass business


Saint-Gobain will invest EUR 30 mio in new warehouse and a laminated glass line

Flat glass producer in South Europe to invest in new warehouse and laminated glass


    Moldovan Glass Producer Fabrica de Sticla To Invest 5.0 Mln Euro

    Glass Factory in Eastern Europe to upgrade bottle production with investments of 5 million


      Glass Factory of Viglacera Group in VietNam plans cold repair after 10 years of

      Glass Factory in Asia plans cold repair after 10 years of production with expansion of the production from 350tpd to 450 tpd. Production of automotive glass also in


        Beijing Hua Mei to build factory in Changzhou industrial park

        Chinese Company to build glass factory for PV-glass with production start scheduled for 2Q


          Afriglass bottle factory moves from Faure to Bellville South

          Developers have changed their plans to build a glass bottle factory and selected other production


            Cevital announced New 800 tpd Float glass plant in Algeria

            Float glass plant in Northern Africa planned for 2015, additional lines for glass processing, tempering, lamination and automotive to be added, as


              Uzpromstroybank invites to cooperate on fiber glass project installation

              Invitation to cooperate on fiber glass project to complete of mounting works of incomplete plant on mutually beneficial conditions. Mounting (installing) works completed by


                Bengo Gains Glass Packing Factory

                New Glass Packing Factory to be built in South-West Africa to produce bottles for beer, refreshments, wine and mineral water. Project approval has already been given by local


                  Erection and operation of a grid-connected 5MW solar PV demonstration plant

                  grid-connected 5MW solar PV plant - The estimated average annual net electricity generation from the 5 MW project is expected to be approximately 8,000 MWh, which corresponds to an Annual PLF of about


                    Glass project with nominal 300 tonnes/day patterned line for PV glass

                    solar glass project, development of a nominal 300 tonnes/day patterned line to manufacture glass for use in photovoltaic cells, coated glass production lines, control of particulate and NOx emissions from glass


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