glass global Unipessoal Lda., glassglobal Group

glass global consulting GmbH 位于德国西部城市杜塞尔多夫(Dueseldorf )。我们的团队包括玻璃技术工程师、商务专家和编程人员, 为您提供多种技术服务。 我公司辖下的网站,, 是全球最大的玻璃工业生产商和供应商的交流社区,他们是我网站的供稿者。 我们的网站由贸易市场、工作市场、技术 咨询、 工业计算软件等版块构成。我们在生产和销售中长期积累起来的技术经验值得您一直信赖!


公司 glass global Unipessoal Lda.
glassglobal Group
地址 Rua Gustavo De Lacerda 3
Paco de Arcos, 2770-363 Oeiras
国家 葡萄牙
电子邮箱 Email Contact


姓名 先生 Andrè Ommer
职位 Managing Owner
电话号码 0049 211 280733 0
传真 0049 211 280733 22
电子邮箱 Email Contact


  • Market Evaluation for glass industry projects (greenfield / brownfield) in float glass, solar glass and container glass industry.
  • Feasibility studies, Pre-feasibility studies, Benchmark, Bankable Business plans
  • Analyze & Benchmark
    We help you analyzing and benchmarking your glass production and run projects to reduce costs (with energy costs in particular), minimize CO2 and NOx emissions (with additional returns through emission trading schemes), increase efficiencies, enhance glass quality and optimize productivity.

  • Improve
    Additionally we support you to improve competitiveness, diversify production e.g. towards Photovoltaic glass plus buy and sell glass.

  • Expert Team
    »glassglobal Group« is a team of professionals with technical, commercial and marketing expertise within glass and works in close cooperation with competent partners.



Info Grid


glass global Unipessoal Lda.公司在以下领域提供产品和服务: Emission reduction, Optimization of energy consumption, Technical Calculations, Technical raw material Calculations




The experts in glass technology

The eXperts in glass technology