Glass Industry News

CEO – Change at SCHOTT AG in 2025


In June 2023, Dr. Frank Heinricht, Chairman of the Management Board of SCHOTT AG, informed the Supervisory Board that he would not be renewing his employment contract after 11 years as CEO and plans to retire on December 31, 2024. The Supervisory Board has taken note of his decision with great regret.

Heinricht has been heading the company since 2013. During this time, sales rose from EUR 1.9 billion to around EUR 2.9 billion, and the equity ratio increased from 19% to over 63%. The basis for this success was strengthening SCHOTT AG’s innovative capabilities combined with a growth strategy.

Frank Heinricht contributed significantly to developing a transparent, growth-oriented company culture, which is also reflected in various external and internal employee satisfaction surveys.

“I have taken this decision entirely due to personal reasons. I look back at a wonderful time at SCHOTT and am very grateful to have been able to accompany the company on its growth path over the past 11 years,” says Frank Heinricht.

The Chairman of the Supervisory Board of SCHOTT AG, Dr. Michael Bolle, said: “SCHOTT owes an extraordinary amount of gratitude to Dr. Frank Heinricht. With his innovative, team-oriented, and strategic skills, he has shaped the company into a very successful group. We deeply regret his decision and thank him for his outstanding achievements. We wish Dr. Heinricht all the best for the future.”

Dr. Heinricht’s successor will be Dr. Torsten Derr, who is currently the Chief Executive Officer of SGL Carbon SE. “As a recognized and successful CEO, Dr. Derr will succeed Dr. Heinricht in leading SCHOTT AG on its path of continuous innovation and growth,” added Dr. Michael Bolle. “We wish him a great start and much success in managing the company.” 


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