Glass Industry News


, Filtraglass

Due to the international expansion that Filtraglass has undergone in recent years, the company has recently welcomed Mr. Zoran Skoric, the new International Sales Manager. As Mr. Skoric says, “all technologies in the glass industry are essential and important, and contribute to making today’s modern world look like we see it around us today”. For this reason Filtraglass has considered it essential to incorporate this new profile within the sales department.

We spoke to Mr. Zoran Skoric to find out how he sees the current glass market, what his mission is at Filtraglass and how he sees the company in the future.

What is your vision of today's glass market?

Mr. Zoran Skoric: “After life work experience in the glass sector for almost 30 years, I have to admit that EVERY GLASS TECHNOLOGY is essential and important, and together they build today's modern world as it is. Glass, like any other natural or artificial construction material nowadays is helping to modern human being to have and spend the life in a more beautiful and comfortable way, either resting in the safety of home, surrounded by family or friends, or spending time at our work place, or travelling, by car, train, airplane… Simply saying, glass is everywhere around us to give us this comfort, and in some way presents our ‘eyes’ to the world and life.”

Why Filtraglass? Why did you choose this company?

Mr. Zoran Skoric: “Thinking about us, people, looking into the past, and seeing the life we ​​have today, I am absolutely sure that we must not allow ourselves not to think about the world that will remain after us and serve the next generations. Glass processing uses a huge amount of water, this important natural resource, every day. FILTRAGLASS is a young company with a good and well-organized team, and with its R&D it has already developed one of the most efficient and promising solutions for water treatment. I could see and I found myself helping this technology and FILTRAGLASS to grow.”

What are your main challenges in Filtraglass?

Mr. Zoran Skoric: “I would like to express my personal and deepest possible gratefulness and respect to Mr. Joaquin Pujol and Mr. Jorge Pujol owners of Hornos Industriales Pujol, who gave me indescribable help, experience and the chance to advance in my career during the last 5 years. My personal challenge and at least my mission in FILTRAGLASS is to help companies that do not consider this technology so important, to change their minds and start thinking differently. By reusing water, companies quickly return their investment, and as a team, together we keep the environment healthier and cleaner for future generations.”

How do you see Filtraglass in five years?

Mr. Zoran Skoric: “Many large companies have already recognized the GLASS DUST removal solution by FILTRAGLASS as one of the best that market can offer today. In very short future, I hope to see water cleaning systems installed in almost every glass company, and of course I see FILTRAGLASS even bigger than today, and still being one of the leaders in this sector.”

, © Filtraglass

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