Updated worldwide glass market study 2025 available now for flat, container glass and tableware

We have updated our international studies on flat glass, container glass and tableware for 2025.

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Further databases supplying demoscopic data and import and export data complete the market survey. Based on these data, prepare individual country profiles with information about local production capacities, local market sizes and expected demand in the future.

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Updated container glass study 2025


Updated float glass study 2025


Further glass studies and reports 2025




地址 Fondazione Sehen
Via N. Bruno 34
10098 Rivoli - Italy
国家 意大利
互联网 www.sehen.org


联系方式 1. Daniel Hilfiker




Expected dates: October 2017 - January 2018

The “Pretiosa Vitrea“ project aims to emphasize the heritage of glass manufacturing from the Ancient Rome through the showcase of artifacts nowadays preserved in the state museums of Tuscany and in important private collections within the region. The quality of these findings is comparable in excellence to the artifacts that can be found in the most renowned international museums.

The exhibition, whose title is inspired by the Latin definition of glass given by Gaius Petronius in the Satyricon written in the late 1st century AD, will bring together relevant archeological findings of Roman glass manufacturing in Tuscany - as the glass cameo from Torrita di Siena or the chrysography of Arezzo - and spotlight some extraordinary excavation contexts which are significant for the amount and quality of the recovered artifacts, like the ancient ships of Pisa and the Pozzino wreck.

Alongside these exclusive glass products, a wide variety of findings will be showcased to illustrate the evolution of mass production techniques, from the use of moulds to the discovery of the glass blowing technique in the middle of the 1st century BC, which soon demonstrated clear advantages compared to the traditional ceramic production in terms of lower cost and keeping unchanged the taste of the contained food and liquids.

The project, which has been approved by the National Archaeological Museum of Florence, includes a traveling exhibition in Italy and other countries.

Scientific research by:
Dr. Fabrizio Paolucci, Archaeologist - Uffizi Gallery, Florence
Prof. Giandomenico De Tommaso - University of Florence




The Sehen Foundation offers the opportunity to take active part in the “Pretiosa Vitrea” project and exhibition. Becoming a sponsor will offer benefits including:


RECOGNITION: Be recognized as a supporter of the prestigious heritage of glass manufacturing in history and with a prominent role in today’s glass community;

VISIBILITY: Becoming a sponsor maximizes visibly and exposure in front of international institutions and cultural audience as well as the glass industry;

LEADERSHIP: Make the difference and enhance your leadership role in the glass making community, demonstrating a strong commitment to cultural and social responsibility and philanthropy by supporting the rediscovery of a heritage of inestimable value.


Sponsorship Packages


Platinum Sponsor

The Platinum opportunity is limited to four sponsors. Platinum Partners will be recognized and rewarded in the following ways:

  • Sponsor’s logo on the official exhibition catalogue (English and Italian) and recognition as “Platinum Sponsor” of the “Pretiosa Vitrea” exhibition;
  • Logo and direct link from the Sehen Foundation website;
  • Participation of two delegates to the inaugural event in Florence;
  • Acknowledgement & thanks in welcoming speech at the inaugural event;
  • Logo prominently displayed in all promotional materials and forms before, during and after the event;
  • Twenty VIP entrance tickets to the exhibition;
  • Twenty copies of the official exhibition catalogue.

Sponsorship amount: 20.000 Euro.


Gold Sponsor

Gold Partners will be recognized and rewarded in the following ways:

  • Sponsor’s logo on the official exhibition catalogue (English and Italian) and recognition as “Gold Sponsor” of the “Pretiosa Vitrea” exhibition;
  • Logo and direct link from the Sehen Foundation website;
  • Acknowledgement & thanks in welcoming speech at the inaugural events;
  • Logo prominently displayed in all promotional materials and forms before, during and after the events;
  • Ten VIP entrance tickets;
  • Ten copies of the official exhibition catalogue.

Sponsorship amount: 10.000 Euro.


Silver Sponsor

Silver Partners will be recognized and rewarded in the following ways:

  • Sponsor’s logo on the official exhibition catalogue (English and Italian) and recognition as a sponsor of the “Pretiosa Vitrea” exhibition;
  • Direct link from the Sehen Foundation website;
  • Sponsor name displayed in all promotional materials and forms before, during and after the events;
  • Five VIP entrance tickets;
  • Five copies of the official exhibition catalogue.

Sponsorship amount: 5.000 Euro.



"Pretiosa Vitrea" is organized by the Sehen Fondation with the aim to bring to the public´s attention the idea of glass as an "eternal" tool. The project will give prominence to the evolution of hollow glass manufacturing in history, through the display of ancient and rare glass artefacts of invaluable significance.

The exhibition will be held at the National Archaeological Museum in Florence from October 2017 until January 2018. Later, the exhibition will be held in other locations too, like Germany and Switzerland.



The etymology of the name Sehen derives from the Akkadian word “sapû”, which means to see in a deeper sense, in the symbiosis between seeing and knowing, to absorb after watching, studying by observing.


The Sehen Foundation seeks to highlight details in the Arts and Sciences through the application of in-depth examination and the comparison of different cultures and it works in partnership with public and private institutions, both nationally and internationally, in the form of exhibitions and publications.


Board Members

President - Daniel Hilfiker

Art Director - Angelo Garoglio

Board Member - Rolf Hilfiker


Present Activities

The Sehen Foundation collaborates with the National Archaeological Museum of Florence for the catalogue and exhibition “Winckelmann, Florence and the Estruscans” held from 26 May 2016 to 30 January 2017.


Moreover, the Sehen Foundation collaborates with the Regional Museum of Natural Sciences of Turin for a triennial project that aims to create an original cultural path focused on a specific plant element: the leaf. The project is put into effect in 2017 with the publication of a volume, in Italian and English, and in the spring of 2018 with an international traveling exhibition to be presented in Turin.