Updated worldwide glass market study 2025 available now for flat, container glass and tableware

We have updated our international studies on flat glass, container glass and tableware for 2025.

This unique software provides a global overview about glass producers and technical details. Easy to use and clear tables summarize information and data about glass makers such as: Glass types: flat glass, container glass, tableware, production capacities in regions and countries, number of furnaces, furnace types, year of construction, glass types and sub-types, products, project information, special news and downloads.

Further databases supplying demoscopic data and import and export data complete the market survey. Based on these data, prepare individual country profiles with information about local production capacities, local market sizes and expected demand in the future.

Request your offer via plants.glassglobal.com.

Updated container glass study 2025


Updated float glass study 2025


Further glass studies and reports 2025







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POLYTRONGLASS is the inventor and manufacturer of the world’s leading transparent LED displays, known as the “X-Glass” product series.

POLYTRONGLASS strives to continue on extending its specialty and innovation in the research and development, production and sales of transparent LED displays. The current “X-Glass” product models include the XT, XW, XR, XD and XN series, which are designed for a wide range of applications such as storefront window displays, restaurant chains, shopping malls, airports, museums, financial institutions, trade shows, events, festivals, stage production, media architecture and many other areas.

With pixel pitch ranges from 5mm to 31.25mm and brightness from 6000nit to 7500nit, “X-Glass” products are by far the clearest and brightest display in the world. Our clients include brands like ZARA, Land Rover, Lamborghini, Chow Sang Sang, WINLUN Bank, BlueShore Financial and etc.